
Flow and Flourish?

I offer a holistic, healing teaching style based on Ayurvedic principles to promote both strength and balance in the mind and body, on and off the mat. Providing a Vinyasa flow based practice allows the opportunity to develop a deep connection to the mind and body, enhancing fitness and flexibility and cultivating inner peace. Connecting with the breath enables our ability to stay present, calming and focussing the mind, releasing any stress in the body and mind, as well as improving respiration and circulation to detoxify the body.

Enabling clients to improve their strength and flexibility, my practice also provides a great workout for the body, mind and emotions. I gently guide my clients in their physical practice, making any necessary modifications, encouraging a gentle deepening of the practice and finding a comfortable edge. I allow opportunities to explore linking movement with the breath in order to strengthen and tone muscles and create space and expansion in the body.

I believe that Yoga can transform our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and I look forward to sharing my practice with you.

‘Yoga is not about touching your toes. It is what you learn on the way down. ’ - Jigar Gor.